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Near chart EUROPE 33+66cm, mixed contrast...
Near chart EUROPE 33+66cm, mixed contrast (2-sided) Near chart with European-wide letters out of the three major alphabets (Latin, Greek, Cyrillic), with logarithmic optotypes from VA 0,04 to 2,0 in 33 cm distance, and a scale for 66cm...
65,00 € *
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Distance chart ETDRS EUROPE (62x65 cm), Chart 1 The distance chart with european wide letters can be used to test the visual acuity of adults, youngsters and children all over Europe, because they only contain letters out of the three...
79,00 € *
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Distance chart ETDRS EUROPE (62x65 cm), Chart 2 The distance chart with european wide letters can be used to test the visual acuity of adults, youngsters and children all over Europe, because they only contain letters out of the three...
79,00 € *
2% Online Discount
Near chart EUROPE 33+66cm, mixed contrast...
Near chart EUROPE 33+66cm, mixed contrast (2-sided), V2 Near chart with European-wide letters out of the three major alphabets (Latin, Greek, Cyrillic), with logarithmic optotypes from VA 0,04 to 2,0 in 33 cm distance, and a scale for...
65,00 € *
2% Online Discount
Distance chart ETDRS Landolt "C", 62x65cm, 8 positions Vision chart in logarithmic order from visual acuity 0.1 to 2.0, for 4 meter testing distance. Each line has 5 landolt rings. Material: Translucent plastic. For illuminated cabinets...
79,00 € *
2% Online Discount
Distance chart ETDRS "Tumbling E" (62 x 65 cm), version B The distance chart with tumbling Es can be used to test the visual acuity of children, illiterates, and deaf persons. The patient simply show, in which direction the E is facing....
79,00 € *
2% Online Discount
Distance chart ETDRS "Tumbling E" (62 x 65 cm), version A The distance chart with tumbling Es can be used to test the visual acuity of children, illiterates, and deaf persons. The patient simply show, in which direction the E is facing....
79,00 € *
2% Online Discount
Distance chart with numbers for 4 meters testing distance. From Visual acuity 0,2 to 2,5. Can be mounted on a wall. Two smaller groups 5M to 1.6M for repetitive testing (20/25, 6/7.5 to 20/8, 6/2.4 equiv.).
29,00 € *
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LEA distance book with 4 symbols (Art.-No.: 81054) The LEA-distance book with 4 symbols is used for testing visual acuity of young children around the age of 3. Visual acuity range from 0.1 to 2.5. Functional details Within this book,...
72,00 € *
2% Online Discount
LEA near pocket card Pocket card with Lea symbols in logarithmic format for near vision testing (40cm). One side with proportional symbol distance, other side with 50% symbol distance (Massachusetts Test format). Visual acuity from 0.05...
20,00 € *
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Motif rayures Léa / Pagaies Léa
Motif rayures Léa / Pagaies Léa Ce test de vision convient à la mesure des performances visuelles des enfants en âge de ramper, des enfants plus âgés souffrant de troubles de la parole et des adultes handicapés. Des panneaux avec des...
330,00 € *
2% Online Discount
Dieser Test mit Lea-Symbolen simuliert die zeilenartige Anordnung von Testzeichen und kann deshalb als Vorstufe zu einem Zeilentest eingesetzt werden, wenn die Prüfperson Schwierigkeiten hat sich auf Zeilen zu konzentrieren. Jede Seite...
72,00 € *
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