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HECOstix Red, White, Blue
HECOstix red, white, blue HECOstix with grip colors Red, Blue and White. HECOstix is a new cognitive sportsvision training tool. An athlete is asked to catch the HECOstix on one of the three colored ends, also sometimes while performing...
45,00 € *
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Fitlight Vision Board
Fitlight Vision Board The Fitlight Vision Board ist used to work with Fitlight sensors on a flat area of 122 x 61 cm. Simply place the sensors on the spots using Fitlight magnet attachments! Already 8 magnet attachments have been placed...
1.150,00 € *
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Space Board (Spatial Localization Board)
Fixationstafel für Übungen zur Lokalisation. Besonders geeigent für Sportsvision, um Auge-Hand-Koordination sichtbar begreiflich zu machen. Block zum Nachbestellen: Art. Nr. 80750.
409,00 € *
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DEM test (new: incl. software)
DEM test (new: incl. software, Art. no.: 80122) The DEM test is made to test the object fixation, and saccade fixation. Functional details With this test, just like with the K-D test, you can determine, how well objects can be fixated....
156,00 € *
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Spatial map for Space Board (block with 100 pages)
Test-Blätter für das Space Board (Art. 80712) von VTE im 100er-Block zum Abreißen. Druck auf Papier. 35 x 42 cm.
32,00 € *
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Stereotest Howard-Dolman (2 rods)
Stäbchentest Howard-Dolman mit 2 weißen Stäbchen zum Ermitteln der Tiefenwahrnehmung (Stereopsis) in 3 m Entfernung. Mit einer Schnur kann die Testperson das variable Stäbchen vor oder zurück bewegen. Der Abstand zum fixen Stäbchen wird...
274,00 € *
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Stereotest Fly with symbols for children
Stereotest Fly with symbols for children (Art. no.: 81326) The famous stereotest Fly is used for measuring stereo acuity in children and adults. Functional details Stereoscopic vision is an important competence to identify objects in 3D....
216,00 € *
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Senaptec Quad Strobe
Neue Senaptec Quad Strobe! Elektronische Shutter-Brille zum Trainieren des Sehens beim Sport. Im Gegensatz zur normalen Strobe (82020) können 4 Quadranten pro Glas okkludiert werden. Verschiedene Stufen regulieren die Verschlusszeit.
Preise nach Anmeldung.
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Gafas estroboscópicas estándar Senaptec
Gafas con obturador estroboscópico Senaptec para deportistas ¡Nuevo Senaptec Strobe, como modelo sucesor del NIKE Strobe! Gafas con obturador electrónico para entrenar la visión durante la práctica deportiva. Diferentes niveles de...
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Fitlight magnet (for disks)
Fitlight magnet Single Fitlight magnet to temporarily mount a Fitlight disk on a window or slick wall. With a bayonet on the frontside that fits on the backside of a Fitlight Disk. Technical details: With Fitlight bayonet Material: Hard...
26,00 € *
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Fitlight charger for 12-light case or Octopus...
Fitlight charger for 12-light case or Octopus cable This charger block is used, to put power to a Fitlight 12 light charger case. It can also be used with an Fitlight Octopus cable to charge DC sensors. With European and North American...
54,00 € *
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Fitlight Trainer (TM) Tripod
Fitlight Trainer Tripod Fitlight Tripod to fixate one Fitlight disc. The Tripod (with 3 legs) can be placed in free space, e.g. on a court, when no wall or stand is available.
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