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Diese Aktion läuft vom 01.04.2024 18:01 bis zum 31.12.2024 18:01.
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2% descuento en línea
Horizontal prism bar
Horizontal prism bar This horizontal prism bar comes in a high quality case. Powers: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 pdpt. Power 45pdpt as single prism block.
128,00 € *
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Juggling ball (white-blue)
Juggling ball (white-blue) Small juggling ball in white and blue, with a 45mm diameter.
0,89 € *
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Slant board for adults
Slant board for adults This slant board is made for adults, to be used for ergonomic writing and reading. With edge at lower end. Design of front similar on this image (manufacturer changes design regularily). Details: Size: 49 x 37 cm...
26,25 € * 35,00 € *
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Slant board for children
Schreib-Pult für Kinder mit Sticker. Zum Schreiben in ergonomisch optimaler und stressfreier Position. Modernes Design. Mit Griffmulde zum bequemen Transport und kindgerechten runden Kanten. Bodenleiste zum Anlegen von Papier und...
39,00 € *
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Lámina de color AZUL-VERDE (50 x 122 cm)
Lámina de color AZUL-VERDE (50 x 122 cm, ref.: 81863) Lámina de color AZUL-VERDE, corte de 50 a 122 cm. Detalles técnicos Para uso como lente (filtro) para pruebas oculares y entrenamiento visual. Usted puede cortarlo a cualquier tamaño,...
12,00 € *
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Vertical prism bar
Vertical prism bar This vertical prism bar comes in a high quality case. Powers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 25. The 30pdpt comes as a single prism block.
116,00 € *
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Colored overlay Wilkins / Irlen (color "A", 1...
Wilkins color foil (foil "A", 1 piece, A5) The Wilkins color foils are placed over a text to check whether the color influences the reading speed. They are used together with the Wilkins reading test. Also compatible with the German...
4,90 € *
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Feel Box
Feel Box (Art. no. 82104) Simple tool to teach patients to build given patterns without seeing their hands. Functional detailsOpen box made of wood, with 2 holes for the arms. Ideal to train mental performance, perception and...
440,00 € *
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Balance Board
Balance Board aus Aluminium mit 4 auswechselbaren Füßen. Mit Anti-Rutsch-Oberfläche und 2 eingefrästen Griffen an der Seite.
279,00 € *
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2% descuento en línea
Space Fixator (Bernell), with all slides
Space Fixator von Bernell, inklusive aller Tafeln.
890,00 € *
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Yoked rotating prism goggle, blue, 0,5 pdpt
Yoked Prismenbrille blau mit 2 drehbaren Prismen in je 0,5 pdpt. Mit elastischem Band und Brillenputztuch, verstaut in praktischem Hartschalenetui.
Preise nach Anmeldung.
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